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"High-water + split any" question


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(first i want to apology for my poor english skills, hope everything will be understandable  :o)




I've just started using unRAID 6, so far it look great but i have a small question about how the "split" work.


I have 3 disks (2x3To + 1x1.5To) in my array (well 4 with the parity one).


I've created a user share with those settings :


  • Allocation method: High-water
  • Split level: Automatically split any directory as required
  • Included disk(s): All
  • Excluded disk(s): None


Now, from a Windows 7 computer I've started a huge file transfer (2.5To) to that specific network share.


The directory consist of lots of directories/sub/files (with sometimes multiples sub-directories).


With the "split any" setting I thought that for any file that would be copied to that share, it would be written to whatever disk was below the "50% mark", but so far it only write to the first disk of the array, and now stats for the first disk are "used :1,68 TB - free :1,32 TB" so it is not above the high water mark anymore, but data are still written to that disk, others remains "spun down".


Do I need the stop my file transfer a restart it again so it will split ? Or did i misunderstood how it is supposed to work?

Maybe I have too many sub-directories ?




EDIT: I'm running unRAID 6.0-beta14b.

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Quick follow-up :


I tested to stop my transfer, stop/relaunch the array and restart my transfer, now files are written to another physical disk, as intended.


Still don't know what happened at first... if someone have an idea  :)

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Thanks for the link, should have search there first.  ::)


it explain why the 1.5TB disk wasn't used, but not why it did not switch to the third disk automatically.


main page screenshot attached below


anyway, thanks for your input !


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