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unRaid specifically for Media/XBMC - Best Practices & Folder Mgmt?


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I plan on having a 4tb + 3tb as storage.  Just looking for recommendations, am I thinking right, etc...and a better understanding of when/how disks are being used to increase the life of the drive.


[*]Should I designate 1 drive to be movies and another for TV?  (my reasoning is I watch TV more often then movies, so I would use the hell out of the TV drive instead) or will this be pointless next year once I add a 3rd drive...

[*]...Just let unRaid put it where it wants to?

[*]Should thumbnails be placed on my cache drive along w/ my other pathsubstituions (playlists, mediasources, etc.)?

[*]I'm curious, what is your folder structure?  I'm thinking - unraid/media/tv, unraid/media/movies, /unraid/My Docs, /unraid/software, etc...



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I usually put the movies or TV shows I'm going to watch the most on the fastest drive.

After I've watched them, I'll move them from the fast disk to a slower disk. When I do move them, I separate mainsteam movie videos from TV episodes. This is mainly so I can drill down in a hierarchy for the TV shows if I want to re-watch an old episode.



>> Should thumbnails be placed on my cache drive along w/ my other pathsubstituions (playlists, mediasources, etc.)?

There's a recent thread about accelerator type drives using an SSD.

Might be worth reviewing the thread.

Accelerator drives


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...Just let unRaid put it where it wants to?


this is my method.


I have /TV and /Movies shares on my network. I have xbmc/kodi setup on a rooted FireTv. I dont really manage or have any special setup. I just setup Kodi, mapped the two folders, setup the scans to run everytime the program starts. On first start there can be a 5-10 second delay before the episode starts while the disk spins up, but its a simple and stupid setup that just works. Also, i have a mix of old 400gb drives and a few larger (1, 1.5, and 2tb) drives. Data is just spread out all over the place (though in shares) based on when it was downloaded and my array setup at the time. While Im sure I could make it more efficient, it works. there is practically 0 delay, so at this point.. why bother (thats my opinion least for my setup).


I also have no idea where the thumbnails are as I just let it scan and do its thing.


so while Im sure you can get more detailed and managed on this setup, simple and stupid works just fine. Its also wifey-compatible and approved, which is the most important detail in all of this. So, get as deep and complicated as you feel like.

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I just let Unraid handle the designation of the TV/Movie files.  Assuming your drives are SATA and not decade+ old IDE the speed will be fine.


Here's My Folder Structure which is defined in CouchPotato:


  -> [decades]

  -> 1950

  -> 1960

  -> 1970

  -----> [name of movie]

  ---------------> Movie File

  -> 1980

  -> 1990

  -> etc...

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