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Seagate 8tb archive drive as parity and storage


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I am designing a new media storage server for a friend, and want to use solely 8tb seagate archive drives, but am reading concern about the cache and large writes.


When I initially populate his server, I will be pushing many terabytes of data and exceeding the cache size for sure, which some have reported as 25gb.


Is this going to crash or cause issues?  How can I get around any issues this will cause?  If the speed slows to 10MB/s on the initial data load that isn't acceptable either. 



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When I initially populate his server, I will be pushing many terabytes of data and exceeding the cache size for sure, which some have reported as 25gb.

no idea where you got that idea on the limit on cache size.  The limit is the size of the drive you decide to assign as the cache drive.
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