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Solved => M1015 HBA failing?


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Since I changed from my virtualised UNRAID in ESXI to plain UNRAID I am having read errors across my drives in the array (XFS) when performing a parity check. Probably caused by a hard reboot I had to perform when UNRAID froze up on me. All disks are connected to a HBA M1015. Legacy from being on ESXI.


I am breaking my head around this, especially as I never faced these errors before and can't get around them. At this moment the parity is rebuilding by performing a new config. Before rebuilding the parity disk I initiated a SMART test. All disks passed the short and long SMART test. No raw read errors, or pending / reallocated sectors. I do have a high UDMA CRC Error Count. No clue what this entails. Additionally I performed a file system check. Nothing needed to be corrected.


I powered down the system and checked the cables. All seem to be in order.


Can anyone point me in the right direction? No clue how to resolve this issue.




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