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Help with split level in v6


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I'm setting up my shares on Unraid v6 and trying to set the split level to my needs.  My problem is with the way it's worded in the share settings page.  Based on what I see in the wiki about split level, I'm guessing in v5 it was simply a number you selected and that would be fine, since I understand the level numbers (helped greatly by this illustration).  Unfortunately it's not worded this way in the settings page, so I'm checking here on the correct interpretation.


From the Share Settings page in the GUI:

"Automatically split only the top level directory as required" = split level 1

"Automatically split only the top two directory levels as required" = split level 2

is how I interpret it, but I'm not sure.  Does that make "Automatically split any directory as required" = split level 0?


As a side question, the wiki mentions using special characters as a dynamic split level which I think would be great, but I can't find a way to set this up.  Is this an older feature that doesn't exist anymore?

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You can access the "real" setting on the flash in \\Tower\flash\config\shares


The drop-down options from top to bottom are

"" (blank)








The new web interface has screwed up the capability of entering anything else for a split level. But, I suspect that it would still work if you put a higher number or different character into the share cfg file but I've never tested it. unRAID only reads those config files when you start the array. I'm actually going to post a defect report about that one.




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From the Share Settings page in the GUI:

"Automatically split only the top level directory as required" = split level 1

"Automatically split only the top two directory levels as required" = split level 2

is how I interpret it, but I'm not sure. 


Does that make "Automatically split any directory as required" = split level 0?

No - Split level 0 corresponds to manual control.    I think that this entry is equivalent to not setting a split level (or setting a large number as the split level which has the same effect).


As a side question, the wiki mentions using special characters as a dynamic split level which I think would be great, but I can't find a way to set this up.  Is this an older feature that doesn't exist anymore?

interesting -never noticed that option before.  I wonder if it still works?  One could probably try manually editing the underlying share configuration file to experiment with it to see what happens.
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