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some redball help please

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I am having errors on disk 6 which resulted in disk being disabled, so I removed all data from that drive and transferred to other disks within unraid.  after emptying the old drive (Hitachi) i ran some smart tests that look fine to me so i popped the old drive back in and did the rebuild, however after about 10 minutes i start getting tons of errors and the drive drops out of the array again. So i took out my Spare and replaced the Hitachi disk with a brand new precleared drive (Toshiba) only to have the same errors pop up again.. so i tried again on a different slot in my 5-3 same issue with both drives..


personally i am thinking bad cable maybe but don't have a replacement on hand atm to test that out


Looking for some help please, i have log-(http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=07360525488918542499) and smart reports attached, thanks let me know if you need any more info



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there are actually 13 spinners and 3 ssd's, just a typical Atlas build, i really have to update my sig

should be able to change out cables on that cage by tomorrow,, hoping that will fix it,,, also i realized i had a slot on my lower 5-3 that i could use so i am trying that one now, so far up to %40 on the rebuild, crossing my fingers.

now hoping it is just a cable issue and not the backplane on 5-3

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It appears you have only passed 2 SAS cards through, and none of the motherboard ports, which are usually more reliable.  Unfortunately, the SAS subsystems do not use the ATA modules and their exception handlers, so the error handling here is VERY limited.  Everything appeared to be fine when you started the Disk 6 rebuild, but just 23 minutes later, it reports "Device not ready", and that is all it ever reports from then on!  All we can do is take it at its word, there's no further info as to what's wrong.  From that point on, all disk I/O returns errors.  And since we don't know what's wrong, we cannot tell if it's a problem with the controller or interface or the drive communications or firmware, or a drive surface problem.


It would be good if you could pass through some motherboard ports and attach it to one of them, but I don't know if that's possible.

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currently i can not do that in my setup,, my motherboard ports are being used in esxi to handle different vm's. I didn't know of these limitations but it hasn't seemed to affect me in the 2 years running. 

The rebuild that i initiated on my lower 5-3 seems to have completed without errors, will swap cables out this weekend and try to replace into original slot. thanks for the help so far,, always nice to get fresh eyes on something.

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Data rebuild worked and red ball fixed,, however that slot(slot 1&2) actually are throwing errors to any disks i put in them.  I changed out the cables,, same problem,, switched cable to other sas card,, same problem. For now i was able to rearrange drives into the lower 5-3 but that does not help me too much in the long run as there are drive sots that won't work properly.

at this point i guess i will have to replace the 5-3 however i really don't want to do that, does anyone else have any further input/suggestions to help resolve my problem?



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