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How to upgrade USB to new Key file


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Thought I'd share something that I learned that took an email to LT in order to find the way.  I bought a new Low-Profile USB drive for my server (SanDisk Ultra Fit) and could not find any specific info on how to get that done.  I wrote LT and got this response.


All you do is format a usb flash in the usual way, then copy the key file which corresponds to the GUID you want to replace to your new usb flash.  When you boot the server it will come up and say, "invalid registration" (because the key file on the flash does not match the GUID of the flash).  On the Registration page (which should be displayed in the webGui upon startup) there will be a button that says, "Replace key".  The server will send up the key file and flash GUID to our keyserver, blacklist your old GUID, and send you a link to a replacement key  in email.  You then refer to the email and copy the link in the Install Key box and click Install.


Seems pretty easy.  Hope this helps someone...

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