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KVM bridge loosing network connection


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Windows 2008R2 virtual machine with virtio drivers losing network connection on reboot of vm. Rebooting vm does not fix, sometimes force stop of the vm or a reboot of the whole unraid server is required to get the connection back.

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Windows 2008R2 virtual machine with virtio drivers losing network connection on reboot of vm. Rebooting vm does not fix, sometimes force stop of the vm or a reboot of the whole unraid server is required to get the connection back.

What version of the drivers did you load?

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And I need a bit more info.


What do you mean "losing network connection" on reboot?  So the VM is fine, network is fine, you reboot the VM, and then what?  Does the virtual network device not even show up?  Does it show up but you can't get out to the internet?  Can you not connect to the host from the VM either?  How are you remoting into the VM (using the browser / VNC)?  Does shutting down the VM and starting it (not a force stop) resolve the issue?

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