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Help understanding the "Some or all files are on unprotected storage"


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I am trying to figure out what i have to do to get all secured, or if it is bad in some way to have this yellow unprotected storage under my shares.

really appreciate the help i can get with this.


Here is a photo of the message:




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This is a known bug in RC4.


It's a display bug only -- your files are still protected (assuming you have a parity drive).

The actual purpose of the indicator is to show that some files are still on cache and so are not yet protected by parity. This might be true for the OP. The bug is only related to people who don't actually have a cache drive.


Nortrek, if you have a cache drive, then it indicates that some of the share's files are still on cache and haven't yet been moved to the parity-protected array. This is normal and they will eventually get moved to the array. The default schedule for this is daily at 3:40 am. You can change this schedule in Settings - Scheduler - Mover Settings.


You can also go to the Main - Array Operation, push the "Move now" button.


If you don't want a share to use cache then you can set it to Use cache: No.


Also, you can set a share to stay on cache by setting it to Use cache: Only. This is usually done for application data, such as plugins and dockers.


I think the default is Use cache: Yes.

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...  if you have a cache drive, then it indicates that some of the share's files are still on cache and haven't yet been moved to the parity-protected array. This is normal and they will eventually get moved to the array.


That's undoubtedly what the INTENT of the indicator is, but it's not working correctly ... as documented in the v6RC4 thread.


Note that in addition to being wrong with the status for shares, it also shows "... Mounted, underlying device has redundancy/protection" icon ..."  for a single cache drive -- which is also clearly wrong.


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