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Upgrade from 5.0.6 to 6.0 with flash drive in place


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I'm looking to upgrade my current 5.0.6 Server Pro to version 6.0.  The upgrade instructions tell me to install the new files on the flash drive while it's installed in a Windows PC.  I've got the flash drive mapped so I can access it over my network. 


In the past I've just done the upgrades by copying over the files to the flash drive and rebooting the server using the web GUI and it's always worked fine.  Is there any reason I can't do the same with version 6.0?  I've already backed up the flash drive contents to my PC.


Should I delete the existing files on the flash drive or just let them be overwritten when I copy them over? 


It looks like I need to copy the license key to the config folder.  Is this correct?

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