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[FEATURE REQUEST] End user web GUI reverse proxy


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I find it hard to keep my end users (family) up to date with what ports each of the services they are interested in are on e.g. docker - photo, music etc


The current emHTTP/dynamix has a webgui button for each application but I do not want end users anywhere near the admin gui.


I would like to be able to allow access for each emHTTP user to all/some web applciation GUIs presented via a single IP:PORT.


I could create an manage a nginx reverse proxy thats easy but it would be a kludge to tie into the docker gui settings and unRAID user settings for authentication etc


I doubt I am alone in this and think it fits the new "magic black box application" model uNRAID is heading for

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I find it hard to keep my end users (family) up to date with what ports each of the services they are interested in are on e.g. docker - photo, music etc


The current emHTTP/dynamix has a webgui button for each application but I do not want end users anywhere near the admin gui.


I would like to be able to allow access for each emHTTP user to all/some web applciation GUIs presented via a single IP:PORT.


I could create an manage a nginx reverse proxy thats easy but it would be a kludge to tie into the docker gui settings and unRAID user settings for authentication etc


I doubt I am alone in this and think it fits the new "magic black box application" model uNRAID is heading for

I have this exact thing set up using the apache plugin, with ssl and authentication. Having it built in and managed by unRaid would be awesome. Currently I have a static header panel with links that load each application's page into a frame below. It would be really nifty to have a dynamic header panel customized for each login with only relevant links. I would need the ability to add custom links, as I also serve non-unRaid hosted internal web interfaces through this secure portal.
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