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Allocation Method and New Disk


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I have a share called Media that has an Allocation Method of "Most-Free" and Split Level of the first 2 folders with all disks included.  This has been working great until I added a new disk yesterday.  I added the disk and formatted it, after preclearing.  Last night I copied over about 1 TB of movies from my other NAS (exactly what I have been doing previously and has been working) and all 300 movies copied to the new disk only.  Using the Most-Free Allocation Method it should make that assessment for each file copied, but they all went to the new disk.  Any thoughts?


The Split Level is correct and has been working great before the new disk.  This is my structure:


Media --> Movie Folder --> Movie Files

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The other disks were at 400 GB, but I would expect once the new disk grew larger than the others it would pick another disk (which I have seen previously).  The new disk is now 1.36 TB because it kept copying the files to the new disk and none of the other ones.


Picture attached.


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