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Will this hardware work for a gaming vm?


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How would the following hardware work for unraid 6.0 with some dockers and 2 VMs 1 Gaming and 1 HTPC (both windows)?


CPU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117283

Mem - 8 GB DDR3 ECC 16000


I have those 2 already and I'm considering this board:




I also already have a Geforce GTX 750 that I'll be moving from my current gaming PC to the unraid server for pass thru.


Will this be able to handle the gaming PC duties ok? I'm gearing up for Fallout 4 and I'd like to combine all of my separate PCs at the same time.

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Let me give a disclaimer up front: I have not done any VM builds and what I know about VM is what I glean off of these and other fora.


The question i would ask is will this system work for the games you want?  As far as virtualization you look to have all the bases covered.  Although you may want to consider increasing the RAM in the system to 16 GB. 

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