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split level confusion, shows missing- want per season on same drive, the rest is ok.


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I want each season of my TV shows to be on a single disk.  The rest don't matter.  I want each Movie on a single disk, the rest is irrelevant. 


My setup is Media/TV/showname/season#



In the new unraid 6, instead of asking split level 1,2,3, I am asked:


Automatically split only the top 2 directory levels as required

Automatically split only the top 3 directory levels as required



I used to be on split level 3 in unraid 5.  Am I right to assume I should be using "Automatically split only the top 3 directory levels as required?"


The /data of my sabnzbd docker app is configured as /mnt/user/Media, inside Sabnzbd, Categories, Folder/Path is listed as /data/TV.


I downloaded 2 TV shows, 1 episode each.  Initially, I selected cache, and saw there was Media/TV/Showname/SeasonName/Shows.  But I cannot see it in Media share.  I then ran mover script, to which, the show was moved to disk2, Media/TV/Showname/SeasonName/Shows.  But still, when selecting Media share, you cannot see the shows. 


After a while, I can no longer see the shows at disk2.  I don't know where it went right now. 


BTW, there's also a /mnt/user0/Media choice available in choosing /data for sabnzbd docker app, I used /mnt/user/Media instead..  Is this of any significance?

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I want each season of my TV shows to be on a single disk.  The rest don't matter.  I want each Movie on a single disk, the rest is irrelevant. 


My setup is Media/TV/showname/season#



In the new unraid 6, instead of asking split level 1,2,3, I am asked:


Automatically split only the top 2 directory levels as required

Automatically split only the top 3 directory levels as required



I used to be on split level 3 in unraid 5.  Am I right to assume I should be using "Automatically split only the top 3 directory levels as required?"

Yest that is correct.  Here is the mapping:


splitLevel "" => "Automatically split any directory as required"

splitLevel "1" => "Automatically split only the top level directory as required"

splitLevel "2" => "Automatically split only the top two directory levels as required"

splitLevel "3" => "Automatically split only the top three directory levels as required"

splitLevel "4" => "Automatically split only the top four directory levels as required"

splitLevel "5" => "Automatically split only the top five directory levels as required"

splitLevel "0" => "Manual: do not automatically split directories"


The /data of my sabnzbd docker app is configured as /mnt/user/Media, inside Sabnzbd, Categories, Folder/Path is listed as /data/TV.


I downloaded 2 TV shows, 1 episode each.  Initially, I selected cache, and saw there was Media/TV/Showname/SeasonName/Shows.  But I cannot see it in Media share.  I then ran mover script, to which, the show was moved to disk2, Media/TV/Showname/SeasonName/Shows.  But still, when selecting Media share, you cannot see the shows. 


After a while, I can no longer see the shows at disk2.  I don't know where it went right now. 

It's trying to escape  ;D  Where are you looking, via network share or directory listing via command line?


BTW, there's also a /mnt/user0/Media choice available in choosing /data for sabnzbd docker app, I used /mnt/user/Media instead..  Is this of any significance?

When there is a cache disk/pool there are two mount points:

/mnt/user/<shares> - this is a view of all files in all shares, including files on cache disk/pool

/mnt/user0/<shares> - this is a view of files in shares on array disks only


(this is same as unRaid-5).  I don't recommend using /mnt/user0 for any purpose.  Volume mapping in docker containers (and VM's) still needs some "refinement" - we're working on it.

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