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proper shutdown in unraid 6 so now parity check will happen upon bootup


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Hello.  I have a few docker apps running, such as binhex's sabnzbd, sonarr, couchpotato, and soon, headless kodi.  Is there a way to properly shutdown the array, without turning off docker apps 1 x 1, and not trigger a parity check on start up?

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Hello.  I have a few docker apps running, such as binhex's sabnzbd, sonarr, couchpotato, and soon, headless kodi.  Is there a way to properly shutdown the array, without turning off docker apps 1 x 1, and not trigger a parity check on start up?


When you stop the array it will shutdown Docker and stop all apps. Then you Powerdown as normal.

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danioj, when running mysql (I used to to run kodi headless, to synchronize database), I heard it's not proper way to shutdown.


By doing that, does it mean unraid parity sync won't start?


Well I run KODI-Headless and Owncloud which use MariaDB (MySQL) Docker and I have shut down the way I described above many many times and all is good.


The only reason a Parity Check will execute after a shutdown / reboot AFAIK is if the Array was not stopped cleanly (e.g. power cut, or reset switch pressed etc). If you stop the array via the GUI, it will stop docker (and VM's too) and then you can click shutdown or reboot - this is a clean reset/shutdown - and there will be no parity check when you boot back into unRAID.


I'm almost certain man. I am certain man, just done it. Trust me.

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last question regarding the topic, do you need to poweroff each individual docker app, e.g. sabnzbd, sonarr before stopping array?


Nope. Stopping the Array in the normal way will shutdown Docker which will in turn shutdown each Docker app.

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