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About danioj

  • Birthday 07/25/1980


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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda ...

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  1. I hesitate to write this post as I have no empirical evidence to support what happened to me, but I thought I would share on the basis that someone could at least run a thorough test. Essentially, I upgraded my server to the latest Beta when it was announced. On my main server, took my chances. This happened to coincide with me replacing a couple of disks. Didn't consider it too much of a risk as the dev was seemingly done on Pools and ZFS impementation. Replaced one disk, all was well. Normal procedure for me, jack out disk, disk is emulated, insert larger disk, data rebuild from Parity. Wait. All good. Immediately after that, I went to do the same procedure with another disk. I experienced very strange behavior. The Read Counters on the GUI for ALL disks went to the same and very large integer value immediately. The disk that was being replaced (that would otherwise be emulated) showed as no FS and couldn't be mounted. Disk otherwise seemed to be being rebuilt. As the original disk wasn't a bad one. I stopped the rebuild. Rebooted and before starting the array, put the original disk back. All was well. Another reboot. Clean slate. Started replace procedure. Same weird experience. So went back to ok with original disk again. Downgraded to Stable. Started replace procedure, all rebuilt well. I appreciate this is potentially very unhelpful as there are no logs and this is my retrospective report. In hindsight I wish I had captured logs and or taken a photo or video, but alas I did not.
  2. Nice Plugin, thank you. Dead link on the settings page: Tab Position (see HERE)
  3. Bump. Any forum or web links to some possibly relevant information would be helpful.
  4. Hi All, I have been using the Linuxserver.io swag container for many years now. I use this to generate a wildcard certificate for my custom domain via LetsEncrypt (LE) and it works great. Since Apple have recently amended the Safari autofill feature on IOS to only do so if you are accessing a website via HTTPS it is forcing me to enable this on my LAN services. Basically I use unbound within pfsense to hostoveride access to my app.domain.etc (within my LAN) and take me to the internal IP of my LAN services. Anyway, I digress. I have been able to get this working and install my wildcard certifate for every LAN service except unRAID. That's because what unraid is asking for is slightly different to everyone else. unRAID is asking for a bundle file. Swag only produces these files (I believe it used to create a bundle file but it doesn't seem to anymore): cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem privkey.pem README None of these appear to be the bundle file that unRAID is looking for. When I open the file that unRAID has there there are more cert's in there than any single file generated above. My Google Fu seems to suggest that a bundle file is some combination of these files but there is so much LE information out there Im finding it hard to figure it out. It also doesn't help that there so many different names for the same thing, things changing over time and even file names don't seem to be named what they are commonly referred to. So I turn to you good community, can you help me figure out how I generate the bundle file that unRAID is after from the files that LE certbot generates when producing / renewing keys? Thank you! D
  5. Well, I think I will call this thread a wrap. There has been no material change since upgrading to v6.12.4. I obviously jumped the gun and "fixed" the issues myself prior to the unraid "fix" for macvlan issues. All that said, my server is back to its usual rock solid self. All of the other things that were playing me have also gone. Starting fresh really did help and I am glad I did it. I can go back to forgetting that the server is there and just using it when needed.
  6. I know what you’re saying but honestly the reset happened in a matter of seconds ie the timeouts for unmounting / shutting down services that drive an unclean shutdown were not exceeded. I’m not aware of a scenario where services shutdown and drives are unmounted so quickly that still causes a unraid to think a parity check is still required on reboot? Happy to be educated though.
  7. Upgraded without major issue. Not a big deal as I don’t use bonds or bridges anymore and all my dockers are on my secondary network interface and unraid on primary. I moved as things were unstable and now they are I CBF reverting back. Don’t really notice the speed loss due bond. My only gripe is that the upgrade caused a Parity Check. Shutdown wasn’t unclean as I was observing it. Shame, as my scheduled monthly only finished yesterday.
  8. Im now at the beginning of September and things are still rock solid. Re my previous issue, the author of UAD confirmed that there are no components of that plugin installed into the OS by default. He also stated that the UAD error could only occur IF UAD was installed, which it is not. Unresolved but hasn't caused any problems so I have moved on. I see the .4 release of v6.12 has been released. I am going to go for it. I have no wish to give up my stability but it's a personal decision to keep with the stable branch for security fixes and upgrades etc. Tune in next week! LOL!
  9. Welcome. It’s a shame someone didn’t see your OP earlier and save you the journey many of us have already taken. I’ve been asking for the “feature” to start virtualisation services independently of the array for years now. It doesn’t appear to be something LT want to do. The answers from LT has long just been, they can’t.
  10. I can assure you Dan it’s not installed. I did a usb wipe just a couple of weeks ago and a clean install and only installed 5 plugins - UAD was not one of them.
  11. In this version or a previous version(s) was a decision taken to install the third party plugin Unassigned Devices (or components of it) by default? I ask as I got this in the syslog this week: Aug 17 07:02:38 unraid nginx: 2023/08/17 07:02:38 [error] 5368#5368: *1417305 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: X.X.X.X, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "host.local" Note the "/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php" bit. I do not have this plugin installed nor have I installed it since installing unraid clean a couple of weeks ago.I had a look in /boot/config/plugins/ and its not there, as I would expect having not installed it.
  12. Another week goes by the the server is still solid as a rock. Only one odd message to speak of in the syslog this week: Aug 17 07:02:38 unraid nginx: 2023/08/17 07:02:38 [error] 5368#5368: *1417305 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client: X.X.X.X, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "host.local" Seems to be something to do with Unassigned Devices. The only weird thing there is, I don't have the plugin installed? So a bit of a WTAF there. It didn't seem to impact stability though. Also noticing that by reverting to the new build defaults vs whatever my settings where that had evolved over so many years - my server is drawing less power. I can only imagine it being down to the default spin down settings. Can't remember what I had my old setup was set to.
  13. Almost a week on since my start from scratch "rebuild". I am now so glad I did this. Not a single entry in the log except the nightly trim and backup entries. Outside of that just the smart events as the array spins up and down as it is accessed throughout the day. 1 user driven restart mid week following installation of the latest Nvidia driver. Solid as a rock.
  14. .... my journey to unraid stability! I am a long time user of unraid. Since v5 actually. I have always purchased half decent server hardware (drives aside) and my use case for the os has never been that far outside the box. For my main server, I have always followed the recommended upgrade pathway without a need to rebuild (sans a usb failure which was an easy restore from backup). In recent times, I have been having stability issues. For a number of reasons. I used bonded dual nic's, vlans, macvlan, btrfs errors, host access, many plugins and of course whatever was left over from my years of tinkering and learning as I upgraded. Here is what I have done to try and regain stability. - started fresh - maintained parity and drive assignments - redesigned my network configuration and switched from bonded dual nics to a single (non bridged) eht1 for unraid and a single (non bridged) eht2 for docker (4 vlans including the vlan for the same network unraid is on so I don't use br0 for eth1) - as a result of above, switched to ipvlan from macvlan - uploaded (via the file manger plugin) docker templates from my old usb backup and reinstalled docker containers - switched docker image to xfs - assigned dockers to the network I wanted and started them - sorted out my shares (which had been auto discovered) as their config was not there - created users again - installed only "what I need" plugins (9 from 21) - disabled VM service (don't use them) - checked parity Now I am on my way. Everything is working as I need it to. 29 hours down and not a single event in the log to bat an eye lid over. Server is as idle as I have seen it for a long time. No network issues. gui is snappy. Just the drives spinning up and down. A nice clean fresh install. I have this feeling that this is going to work and it only took me 90 minutes (tops) to go from where I was to where I am now. I intend on checking in to this post regularly (ie monthly) with my stability notes and uptime.
  15. I just wanted to say thank you for forking and maintaining this app. I much prefer this to the options offered by unraid.
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