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Management Access: Using my own SSL Certificate for HTTPS


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Hi All,


I have been using the Linuxserver.io swag container for many years now. I use this to generate a wildcard certificate for my custom domain via LetsEncrypt (LE) and it works great.


Since Apple have recently amended the Safari autofill feature on IOS to only do so if you are accessing a website via HTTPS it is forcing me to enable this on my LAN services.  Basically I use unbound within pfsense to hostoveride access to my app.domain.etc (within my LAN) and take me to the internal IP of my LAN services. 


Anyway, I digress. I have been able to get this working and install my wildcard certifate for every LAN service except unRAID. That's because what unraid is asking for is slightly different to everyone else. unRAID is asking for a bundle file.


Swag only produces these files (I believe it used to create a bundle file but it doesn't seem to anymore):








None of these appear to be the bundle file that unRAID is looking for. When I open the file that unRAID has there there are more cert's in there than any single file generated above. My Google Fu seems to suggest that a bundle file is some combination of these files but there is so much LE information out there Im finding it hard to figure it out. It also doesn't help that there so many different names for the same thing, things changing over time and even file names don't seem to be named what they are commonly referred to.


So I turn to you good community, can you help me figure out how I generate the bundle file that unRAID is after from the files that LE certbot generates when producing / renewing keys?


Thank you!



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  • 1 month later...

I have the same setup as OP, and faced the same issue. I did discover that SWAG does provide a bundle file, and was able to import my custom Let’s Encrypt wildcard cert no problem. 

I use Ansible to manage all of my servers so I wrote a small playbook that will install the cert: 




My particular setup allows me to retrieve certs via an htaccess protected directory on the SWAG instance itself. 


Hope this helps someone. 

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