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Disk Maintenance (check disk and trim)?


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I have a few questions about disk maintenance.

Is a periodic disk integrity check necessary with unRAID 6?

For the array devices, does unRAID periodically run a chkdsk on the XFS volumes with xfs_check? Is there an xfs_repair option?

Is there something like this for the cache devices formatted with btrfs? And how does one enable TRIM support for SSDs (eg in the cache)?



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I too would like to know what the status of TRIM is in 6.0? Do we still need to run manual scripts for this or is it built into the final release?


My understanding is that you still need to run manual scrips for TRIM support. This might have changed and I missed it, but as far as I recal that was not added in any of the betas leading up to 6.0.


Is a periodic disk integrity check necessary with unRAID 6?

For the array devices, does unRAID periodically run a chkdsk on the XFS volumes with xfs_check? Is there an xfs_repair option?

Is there something like this for the cache devices formatted with btrfs?


I am pretty sure that the answer to the auto run periotic check is no.

I do know that there is a way to manually scrub your btrfs disks by going to that disks settings. I am not sure about xfs.

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These are new technologies, here in unRAID land, and there is little user experience with them yet.  There's a thread about Trim somewhere, where different users have discussed and experimented with differing approaches to handling Trim, with a suggested script for scheduling Trim using fstrim.  Since v6.0 just introduced BTRFS and XFS, I suspect future versions will expand support for them into the various maintenance tools necessary.  We really have no 'best practices' yet, for either Trim or xfsrepair.

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