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private user shares borked?


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6.0 beta 12

3 private shares, one for each of three different users.


Each user has read/write to their own share and no access to the other users shares.


Using a common windows 7 computer, once one user has logged into their share, no other user can log into a different share (on that same machine) unless I first run "net use * /delete".




What am I missing?


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This is how Windows works - it caches the username/password access to the server.


A pure windows network does not suffer from such issues.


EDIT: Well, actually, it might. However, prior to unraid I was running WHS and never had this issue with controlling share access.


IS there no solution?

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As I said, this is by design... See this MS knowledge base article on the subject. Ignore the Windows XP warning, the article applies to all versions of Windows (list at the bottom).


It's completely shit.


I did not have this issue in WHS 2011 (which is not is MS's list). Go figure. Such a pain in the butt.


Thank you for the information.



Again, thanks for the info. I will have to give this some thought. I'm not sure if I am quite ready to disable or uninstall the credentials manager.

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