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Unraid 200gb fail new drive 3TB

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I had a smaller drive I had with 200gb fail recently. I just ordered 2x3tb drives and i want to eventually upgrade to unraid version 6. I'm going to have to change the parity drive to 3tb because the old parity drive was 1.5tb.


I dont think there was much on that drive but is there a way to tell or recover it? I've read the technical notes on replacing the parity drive. What steps should I take?


Im currently running Unraid version 5.0-rc8a.


Device  Identification  Temp.  Size  Free  Reads  Writes  Errors

parity  SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1LZ202527 (sda) 1465138552  *  1.5 TB  -  19368  17300  0

disk1 Browse /mnt/disk1  SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1KZ213877 (sdc) 1465138552  *  1.5 TB  377.48 GB  42434  17098  0

disk2 Browse /mnt/disk2  SAMSUNG_HD154UI_S1XWJ1KZ213876 (sdb) 1465138552  *  1.5 TB  750.13 GB  8437  50  0

disk3 Browse /mnt/disk3  Not installed  -  200.05 GB  200.01 GB  -  -  -

disk4 Browse /mnt/disk4  ST31500341AS_9VS09W5A (hdc) 1465138552  *  1.5 TB  1.4 TB  537  48  0

flash Browse /boot (flash device)  DT101_II  -  2 GB  1.82 GB  1070  56  0


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According to what you posted here, you should be able to do a swap-disable parity upgrade with one of the 3TB new drives.


However... If you start the array now, the entire content of disk3 SHOULD still be available, if your current parity is valid. Since the emulated disk3 is showing almost completely empty, there may not be anything but an empty filesystem on it.


If it were me, I'd start the array and browse to disk3, verify that it is empty, or copy the few remaining files to another disk.


How many physical places do you have available for installing drives? Do you want to add to the number of used slots or replace some of the current ones with the larger drives? Do you want to add a cache drive? Depending on your answers, there are different ways to proceed.

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Yea its empty. I guess I didn't realize the parity worked in realtime I thought I would need to do some sort of restore.


I have an icey dock with 5 slots. 1 has the 200gb drive that I want to replace. I also have 1 more spot on the board and Im going to put another drive in the case so I'll have a total of 6 drive and I have 5 now but one is bad.


I want to replace the 200gb drive and I'll have to change the parity drive. Is it better to swap the 3tb drive with the parity in the same physical position?

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Since you don't care to rebuild the bad drive, and you need to replace the parity drive anyway, I'd install both new 3th drives, physical position doesn't really matter. I'm assuming all 6 drives will be connected to the motherboard, so the connections are probably all decently fast. Use the new config function to clear out the old drive assignments, and assign one of the 3TB to parity and the rest to data slots, and start the array. It will rebuild parity to the new 3TB and offer to format the old parity drive and the other 3TB. The rest of the drives should show all their data immediately.


I would recommend thoroughly exercising the new drives before assigning them to the array. You could use the preclear script by Joe L, even though the drives don't need the preclear part of it, the smart reports and testing are a good idea to weed out a drive that could be bad out of the box.

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