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Bad hard drive?


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Does this count seems really high for Reported Uncorrect?  The drive is relatively new and is the parity drive.



This is drive is not relativity new!  The Power On Hours (Attr. # 9) is indicating over 33,000 hours!


Here is the definition of # 187 Reported Uncorrected (Wikipedia Entry for S.M.A.R.T.):


The count of errors that could not be recovered using hardware ECC (see attribute 195).


Basically, it is saying that it could not read the data off the drive even using the all of the extended error correcting encoding that is done to prevent such a thing from occurring!  I, personally, would be replacing that drive as soon as possible!  If the error occurs again during the rebuilt of a different failed drive, you will lose data!


You probably never notice the problem because, the data that could not be read was reconstructed using the unRAID parity calculation to generate the missing data.



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Ok new hdd is on its way. 


Funny thing about power on time... I have WAY old 1TB drives with less hours!??  ( makes me less confident in the reported numbers)

Power on hours seems to be amongst the most reliable numbers.  If you think the parity drive is not that old, are you sure the figures you gave were for the correct drive.  You could create the diagnostics.zip file via Tools->Diagnostics and post that to provide confirmation that it is the correct drive as that would include the full SMART reports for all your drives.

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