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smdion containers variation in beets


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smdion, I was curious if you can define the differences between your 2 beets containers.  I have been using the original for several weeks now and saw you just released a new one for the linux server IO group.  The dicker files I can see are slightly different, so I was curious if you can help to highlight the difference between the 2.  Thanks

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hey hey hey.  just because I dont get crazy with 30 containers doesnt make me a bad person.  don't hate just because I want to get my music organized...


I thought maybe he was going to make things better, not that there is much else to do with beets except install discogs and fix 2 security issues that need you to install a different version ssl and one other thing I dont recall.  beets is nuts

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hey hey hey.  just because I dont get crazy with 30 containers doesnt make me a bad person.  don't hate just because I want to get my music organized...


I thought maybe he was going to make things better, not that there is much else to do with beets except install discogs and fix 2 security issues that need you to install a different version ssl and one other thing I dont recall.  beets is nuts


I think he was making a joke on your typo in the first post :)

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