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SMART report upgrades


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Current the SMART report donwloads as:





so for example




Ideally this should be named more after the disk and less after the hostname and disk location both of which are transient. I also worry about the date and tiem format as we have sen recently there is no one format that best fits the entire global userbase.


I would suggest instead:




(using txt wherever possible and not rtf)


If we could make it so that whenever a new disk is introduced to the array a smart report is created this would ensure every user would have a baseline for every disk regardless of if they know about the feature or not. Very useful for later debugging.



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I had suggested model-serial-yyyymmdd-hhmm.txt

All of which are available, it stays the same per model-serial and the human date/time is sortable.

Epoch works for me, but then you have to strftime the value to convert it to a human readable format.


It's do-able.

I even have an strftime command and bash loadable shared library, but it's not necessary since yyyymmdd-hhmm is sort-able.


Better yet. let this be configurable with meta characters so people can use whatever date format they want.


@H = Host

@M = Model,

@S = Serial

and the rest of the % characters are passed to strftime.  fwiw. '%s' translates to the epoch.

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