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Network bridge


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I have enabled the bridge with bridge name "virbr0" under network setting and same name under VM manager / default network bridge.


I thought / would have hoped that this allows me to have the same IP address for both Unraid and the VM, which would allow me to map SMB drives locally (without going through router) and overall simplicity of having one IP over two.


I am trying to make the impossible happen and/or what am I missing? How to get one IP?

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There isn't a way as far as I know to use the same IP on Unraid and a VM.


But having said that as far as I'm aware in KVM the Router in your network isn't involved when setting up access.


ie if Unraid needs to access a share on the guest it's all done through KVM rather that out to the LAN router and then back again so speed is not compromised.

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