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Another HPA question


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I have one HGST 4TB drive set as data disc.  I'm trying to add a WD 4TB as parity.  The sizes don't match and there is the HPA? showing in MyMain.  Running hdparm gives this: READ_NATIVE_MAX_ADDRESS_EXT failed: Input/output error.  I tried hdat2 and it says set_max isn't supported.  Should I just say "Oh, well" and move all the data on the HGST to the WD and set the HGST as parity?  If I move the data, would using MC the quickest way to move between drives?  Thanks.

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What model WD drive?


I'd also confirm whether this is a controller issue or a drive issue.  Just run HDAT2 and see if it can "see" the SetMax values for other drives (DO NOT, of course, change any of them).   


Note that this issue may mean that your BIOS sends a "Security Freeze" command to your hard drives when you boot (this is described in the HDAT2 manual).    If that's the case, there are two ways to overcome it ...


(1)  If the BIOS has the option, turn off that feature;

(2)  Hot-plug the dirve ... i.e. boot the system (to HDAT2) with the drive you want to changed unplugged (Remove BOTH the SATA cable and the power cable, as the drive must be power-cycled) =>  then, after it's booted, plug in the power cable and then SATA cable for the drive.    You should then be able to use SetMax.


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Thanks Gary.  It's a WD40EZRX.  When I boot into hdat2 and then plug in the WD, it's never recognized.  Seems this is a hopeless cause.  That's why I asked if it would be okay to just swap the two 4TB drives and copy from one to the other and use the HGST drive as parity.

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Very interesting that the drive won't support SetMax.    I've never seen a WD drive that had this issue ... but there's always a first time.


In any event, yes, you can certainly just copy all the data and use the HGST as parity.  The only restriction on parity (as I'm sure you know) is that it must be >= the size of all data drives.


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