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Docker access shares on another unRAID box?


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I'm currently in the process of experimenting with unraid 6 on one of my newer boxes - really to setup dockers / vms, I don't have many disks attached. However, I still have an unraid 5 system (running esxi) going strong. More so, I've got dockers running in a VM on the old esxi box that I'd like to port over, however, my content/data would more likely stay on my old unraid 5 box (partly because that box is a 15-bay server chasis whereas my newer unraid 6 box is a mid tower).


Question: what would be a decent way of running dockers that need access to shares on another machine? The only way I could think of is mounting a nfs/cifs share in the go file and passing in those mount points to dockers?


I guess the bigger question is how to manage multiple unraid boxes (shares) where consolidation of disks is not possible?


I guess similar to this from another user. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36102.0


Never mind, this is probably the way to go:


mkdir /mnt/[localShareName]
mount -t cifs //[netbios-servername]/[sharename] /mnt/[localShareName] -o username=root@[netbios-servername],password=[remote-tower-root-password],iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777

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