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Missing Folders in Shares Unraid 5.05

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I have been running Unraid version 5.05 with no issues but today my shares went missing.  I disabled and enabled shares and it came back but the data in the share is missing. I have all the data on the drives and they are all working properly according to unraid.


I haven't touched it since I set it up and I'm not sure what to do next.  Any ideas?

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Sounds like maybe a flash drive problem. Does it finish booting into unRAID now?


You might try putting the flash in your PC and letting it checkdisk. If that doesn't work, maybe a clean install of v5. I don't know enough about your system to recommend upgrading to v6 at this point since a lot has changed, including licensing.


Your data disks should be fine so don't panic yet.

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Should I use another flash drive or reuse the one I have?  If I do use another drive, will I lose the data?  I don't have a backup of the drive.

Do you have a .key file for the license, or are you running FREE version? A .key file will only work on a specific flash drive.


Have you tried putting the flash in your PC to see if it can be repaired?


Assuming this is your only problem, your data should be fine. If you have to start from scratch with a new install, you will just have to assign your drives and unRAID will try to use them exactly as they are.


Just don't accidentally assign a data drive to parity or it will overwrite it. And if it says any drives are unformatted or unmountable, check back.

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It's not the free version.  I have 6 drives.  I was able to remove the usb drive and open it in Windows.  I am going to back it up and then run a chkdsk to try and fix the drive.  Should I just format it instead and reload or will running a chkdsk from Windows 10 do the trick?

Worth a try.
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Drive is shot.  I was able to get some of the files off of it. Any idea how to transfer the key to another flash drive?

If you have an intact copy of your key file somewhere, you can put that file into the config folder of a fresh v6 install on a new key, and it will step you through transferring the license. If you wish to stay with v5 for now, or you don't have an intact copy of the key file, you will have to get the new key from limetech like trurl said.
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