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Timestamp issue

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I've a issue modifying the timestamp of folders on Unraid. I've made a Powershell script tha scans the folder, and changes the folders timestamp to that of the oldest file. Everything is working fine when running it on a folder on my windows machine, however running it on a shared Samba folder doesn't work. The timestamp of the folder located on the Unraid server does not get updated.


I'm running a 5.0.5 version of Unraid


Any help appreciated


Powershell script:

$folders = Get-ChildItem $root | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Sort Name

foreach($folder in $folders)


Write-Warning $folder.fullname


$oldest = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $folder -Force | Sort LastWriteTime | select -First 1

Write-Host $oldest

Write-Host $oldest.LastWriteTime




#oldest object found, set current directory LastWriteTime

$Crea = Get-ItemProperty -Path $folder -Name CreationTime

$Last = Get-ItemProperty -Path $folder -Name LastWriteTime

Write-Host $Crea

Write-Host $Last


Set-ItemProperty -Path $folder -Name CreationTime -Value $oldest.LastWriteTime -force

Set-ItemProperty -Path $folder -Name LastWriteTime -Value $oldest.LastWriteTime -force





# current directory is empty, directory LastWriteTime is left unchanged

Write-Warning "Directory '$($folder.FullName)' is empty, skiping..."

$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")





Write-Warning "Done..."

$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")


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But should it not be possible to change the timestamp on the files through Samba??


Unfortunately i don't know any Linux, nor any Bash.

Googling makes me think that you have to make some settings in samba to allow this, or that it might even be broken in samba.


Probably some googling would get you a bash script for what you want.

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I've a issue modifying the timestamp of folders on Unraid. I've made a Powershell script tha scans the folder, and changes the folders timestamp to that of the oldest file. Everything is working fine when running it on a folder on my windows machine, however running it on a shared Samba folder doesn't work. The timestamp of the folder located on the Unraid server does not get updated.


I'm running a 5.0.5 version of Unraid


Any help appreciated


Are you using user shares or disk shares?

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