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ZFS able to enhance/replace unRAID?


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From what I learned from my investigation of ZFS is that its support for non-uniform drive sizes is the same as every other stripped RAID solution out there.  The smallest drive is you limiter.  While with ZFS you can use the "unused" space on the larger drives for something else it would be unprotected.


One this that is cool, you can take a single drive split it into 4 or more logical drives and create a RAID out of the 4 resulting logcial drives.  Not too useful, but still kinda cool.



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If it was released I wouldn't need to hope now would I?  And it's inconceivable they would drop such a well developed (and announced) project at this stage.  It looks like a very promising solution for consumers.  However, from watching channel 9/10 videos, it sounds like the RAID-like functionality is merely keeping data on two hard drives at all times.  So merely very flexible, pooled, mirroring rather than parity based protection.  Hopefully thats not the case, we'll see.  The automated multiple machine backup with versioning and other features will be very nice regardless, but for mass media file storage it wouldn't be as attractive.

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