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Unsure on setup and configuration


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Please forgive me as this is my first post and foray into unraid that and the post may also need to be added to the Kodi Forum.


I'll explain the setup that I want to achieve and hopefully I can get some advise on the best way to achieve it.


I'm setting up an unraid server to store our media libraries and important files the family require for education / company business.  Unraid is running headless under the stairs with a powerline adapter.


For media playback, in the main family room, we've going to have a chromebox running openelec and Kodi.  The adults bedroom will have a raspberry pi2, open elec and Kodi.


I have three children aged 14, 9 & 7.  Each of them will run Kodi on either a tablet or laptop in their own rooms.


I would like the family room instance and the adult bedroom instance of Kodi be linked so that I can pause downstairs, got to bed and continue watching.


I would like each of the children to have a different account so that they are limited to only the films / files their account has access to.  So for the younger two that would mean they could only watch films or tv series that we approve.


For the teenager, she will need to be able to add and remove files for her network share but again only view films etc that we allow.


I'm also interested in using sickbeard etc as dockers but have never used or played with them and or usenet groups before but am happy to try.


I'm also not afraid of some advanced configuration options, as I work in IT albeit predominately on windows based systems.


Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated and if I have posted in the wrong forum then I apologize.

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Some of the capabilities you are asking about would need to be part of Kodi, rather than unRAID.  For instance, the ability to pause on one player and resume on another would have to be a feature that Kodi offers.


The accounts with different access rights sounds like a Kodi feature as well.  unRAID allows you do define accounts and assign share permissions, and you may want to take advantage of that by having a kids movies directory vs. parents movie directory.  Media collections are frequently co-mingled, though.  If you want a situation where all movies are co-mingled, but the kids can only watch a subset (say, based on rating) that would need to come from Kodi.


I think unRAID will work well for the purposes you defined, and I think you'll be pleased with the various Dockers that are available once you get them up and running.

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