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How to rebuild an existing drive?


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I had a drive redball and another member here had a look at the smart report and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and suggested checking connections and rebuilding the disc. I also replaced the sata cable as a precaution. So now how do I rebuild that drive? I thought removing it from the array, rebooting, then adding it back in the old spot would prompt a rebuild as if I put in a new drive but when I reboot the drive is back in the old spot as if it had never been removed. Sorry I'm probably missing something simple but I can't find it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just one small detail missing, you have to make unRAID forget the drive first.  So unassign it, start the array then stop it again, then re-assign it.  To forget it, the array has to be started without it.


I should probably add that to Replacing a Data Drive.


I've added notes about this and other issues to that wiki page, and to the Re-enable the drive wiki section, and to much of the Troubleshooting page, updating it for v6.  I would appreciate reviews of it for accuracy.  Any suggestions and improvements welcome!

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