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Windows 10 VM hdd full and pausing, how do I create some space?


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I have a Windows 10 VM that started pausing constantly, I'm using unassigned devices with a dedicated ssd, it only has 125mb of free space! What would be the easiest way to free up some space on the .img? I tried browsing the ssd share from another Windows vm, but it will not mount the img. I have also tried booting into safe mode but it just freezes as well. I'm now not sure how to proceed!

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I don't know what happened, I ended up restoring from a backup. Sorry the posts didn't make much sense, it was late and I was getting panicky!


I am using unassigned devices with 2 SSDs, 256 GB for 2 VMs. I think what happened is that I plugged in my iphone to backup to itunes on the VM, and started playing a game at the same time. All of a sudden the VM froze and any attempt to start it ended up with it paused an unable to resume. At this point unassigned devices showed the VMs SSD at having only 135MB of free space. I can only guess that for whatever reason the itunes backup filled the disk.


I couldn't figure out a way to mount the .img file outside of unraid to browse and free up space, so I just restored my last backup (Thank God for daily backups!) I'm back up and running now, and typing this post on the VM that failed!


I'm going to try to move my itunes folder onto the array with symlinks to free up space on the SSD, I'm really only using itunes to backup anyway.

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