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Hello and a bit of advice.


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Hi, I have my server built and ready for UnRaid however I have fallen at the first hurdle viz making a bootable USB stick.


I have used Linux Mint for the last 6 years as my desktop OS (allegedly the 3rd most commonly used OS on the planet!) and can find no way of making a bootable USB stick.


After lots of searching I have tried


1. Several USB sticks - new and old

2. All my USB ports

3. Changing the .zip to .iso and 'burning' with Mint image writer and Unetbootin

4. dd to copy the contof the zip to a USB and Gparted to flag it bootable

5. I have even installed Wine but it doesn't recognise USB drives.


Nothing works.


I am competent with the command line and happy editing files. There must be a way to do this in Linux (esp as UnRaid is Linux based).


Can anyone help or must I install Windows in a VM to acheive this?





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Your 3 and 4 does not make any sense at all to me for setting up unRAID from the zip file...


You should probably instead just follow the regular instructions for "Preparing your USB Flash Device" and only change the part about "Run the make bootable script". Take a look at the invocation of syslinux in the make_bootable.bat file for inspiration about that step.

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