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Help with some details on build


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When building a system like this




I no you start with a case something like




and insert these into the 5.25" bays (don't no what they are called




My questions are


1. is there a specific type of case that you need to choose in order for theses devices to fit

2. What are the things that hold the hdd's and go into the 5.25" bays called

3. Do any of these hdd's things support big drives eg 4-6tb are these limited by there own controllers or do they just pass through the sata to the motherboards chipset





The hot-swap bays are called 5-in-3 drive cages.  (sometimes "hot swap" is included in the name)


They will generally fit in any case that has 3 contiguous 5.25" drive bays ... although there are sometimes tabs in the bays that need to be either bent out of the way or simply cut off (a Dremel tool works well for this).


The SATA ports are just passed through to the controller you're using -- whether it's on the motherboard or an add-on card.    Almost any modern motherboard or controller will support large (> 2TB) drives ... so you can use 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, or whatever size you want.






So you mean a case like this




And that is a picture if the case I would like to use the sharkoon t9 value


Filling all the 5.25" bays with hot swap bays


Also how do I get enough molex power from my PSU to power the drive caddys they normally only come with 2 molex connectors and lots ad sata can you convert sata to molex to power these hotswap bays or is it something different


For a molex only drive cage and a mainly sata PSU I could use cables like this ?




To convert the PSU sata into molex


That would be preferable other people are telling me to cut the wires of the PSU and get out soldering irons or buy little molex things you squeeze into the psus spower cables


Yes, but these days most cages can use sata, or allow either or. What cages were you looking at?


You also should figure out how many hdds you really want, and how many sata connections you'll have. I like the idea of 4in3 because most likely i'd add an addon card with 2 sas ports, which works out to 2x4satas, so you can use 2 4in3's.


But for max drives, you'd want 5in3s. If you have an idea of which ones you are getting, we can work with suggesting connectors.


These 4in3's are inexpensive, but need 2 molex. Does your PSU not have ANY of them? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816132037&cm_re=rosewill_cage-_-16-132-037-_-Product



I think max would be 8 drives 4x4tb 2x2tb 2 1tb


But starting with just the OS and a 4tb storage


And i can't realy find none to look at and don't no much about them


And the link that you sent me is only available in the USA I live in the UK and they ain't shipped here

:( any cheap solutions available in the uk for around the same sort of prices


These Icy Dock 4-in-3's work very well; have excellent cooling (front-mounted 120mm fan); and are available at Amazon UK:  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Icy-Dock-Vortex-MB074SP-1B-Drive/dp/B00LT4CA5Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1444330930&sr=8-3&keywords=icy+dock+black+vortex


Note:  There is a less expensive version of the Black Vortex that is NOT hot-swap -- the drives still pull out the front, so if you have long enough cables they can be easily changed; but not nearly as convenient as with a hot-swap backplane.    If you want hot-swap, be sure you're buying the correct version (the link I posted is for the hot-swap version).



I had that exact case and the damn power button/panel took a nose dive on me. It was cheap cheap cheap. 


There are other 9 bay 5.25" systems you'll want to look for. I suggest doing some more homework on them.


I can fully recommend the Icy Dock 5n3's. I have 3 of them and they are work horses.



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