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Drive has red X after parity check


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Ran a parity check and a drive is showing a red x and says device is disabled and being emulated.  I grabbed the diagnostic file then shut down the server to make sure all the cables where seated correctly.  This is the  smart data form the diagnostic file.



Vendor:              /2:0:1:0


User Capacity:        600,332,565,813,390,450 bytes [600 PB]

Logical block size:  774843950 bytes

Physical block size:  1549687900 bytes

Lowest aligned LBA:  14896

scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=47 offset=50 bd_len=46

scsiModePageOffset: response length too short, resp_len=47 offset=50 bd_len=46

>> Terminate command early due to bad response to IEC mode page

A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.


I shut down the system and rechecked all the cables connections restarted and the smart data from that disc passed, zip attached.  I am now running the extended self test.  So my question is what should I do?  I have read previous post and I believe I should.


Stop the array

Unassign the disk

Start the array.

Stop the array

Assign the disk

Start the array and parity build should start


Please let me know if this is what I should do assuming it passes the long test.  If this is all wrong please let me know what I should do.  Thank you.



Your process will indeed result in a rebuild -- either of the failed disk or of parity.


If the disk is indeed good (i.e. the issue was a poorly seated cable) then this should work fine.  After the rebuild completes, run a non-correcting parity check ... this will confirm that the rebuild is okay.  [This is the one time I recommend using a non-correcting check -- this preserves the ability to do the rebuild again if it didn't work correctly ... i.e. the drive is actually bad and you want to repeat it with a new drive.]




Is there a way to just bring that drive online without a rebuild??  Assuming the extended test comes back fine is there a way to bring the drive back into the drive pool without any risk of data loss??  This is my first drive error so I am worried that I will do somthing stupid and lose data.  Thanks.


Is there a way to just bring that drive online without a rebuild??  Assuming the extended test comes back fine is there a way to bring the drive back into the drive pool without any risk of data loss??  This is my first drive error so I am worried that I will do somthing stupid and lose data.  Thanks.

There is no guaranteed way to bring a drive back without data loss if you cannot do a rebuild.  As was mentioned the safest thing to do is to rebuild onto another disk.  If that works you can then look further at the disabled disk to see if it actually appears to be OK.  If the rebuild fails then you still have the 'failed' disk in an unaltered state to attempt to recover data from it.

The drive finished the extended smart check and found no errors.  I have another drive that will be here tomorrow.  My parity shows invalid I am assuming that is because the drive error happened during a parity check.  So with it showing invalid will I have problems with the rebuild?  And is there any way to find out what the cause of the problem was.  And is there anything more I need to know to get this rebuilt.  Thanks for all the help.


... My parity shows invalid ...


In that case, you cannot do a successful rebuild.  Your best bet is to replace the failed drive with a new one;  do a New Config with all of the other drives plus the new one and do a parity sync;  then do a parity check to confirm all went well; and then copy the files that were on the failed drive from your backups.


If you don't have backups; attach the failed drive to another system; load a Linux reader utility; and then copy what you can read from that disk to your newly constituted array.


There are alternative things you can try, but what I just outlined is what I'd do.  [in my case I'd simply copy all the data from my backups, but I know not everyone backs up their data.]





Well that  is not good.  In that main page it says configuration valid, and on the dashboard under parity status it has data is invalid.  So is it worth trying to rebuild or is it just not going to work.  And if it is not going to work i just need to uninstall the bad drive and install a new one and do a parity sync to get back to working, then transfer off the old drive from the windows computer.  And what caused this big of a failure with just one drive having problems???  Thanks.


Okay -- you said parity wasn't valid, but you've just somewhat conflicted that.


What is shown on the Main tab?  i.e. does parity have a green ball?    If you simply aborted a parity check, that does not invalidate parity.  Not sure why the Dashboard is showing something different (assuming there's a green ball on the main tab).


The key thing right now is to do NOTHING that will write to the array.    Post a picture of the Main tab.





That looks fine => there's nothing on the Dashboard about parity being invalid ... it just shows that the data on disk 12 is invalid.  ... and parity shows as good.


So ... you simply need to rebuild Disk #12.


Stop the array;  un-assign disk #12;  Start the array so it shows as missing;  Stop the array and power down;  replace Disk #12 with a new disk;  Boot & assign the new disk as #12 (You'll have to stop the array if it's set for auto-start);  then Start the array and let it do the rebuild.



I have it chugging away hopefully in 12 hours or so all will be right again.  On the dashboard screen under the parity status in red letters it reads Data is invalid, I guess that must be for the bad drive.  Thanks for all the help,  hopefully one day I will have a clue and be able to do this on my own.  Thanks again.  I will report back on the drive rebuild.


Glad all is well.


I did a quick rebuild on my test system to see what you were referring to r.e. the "Data is invalid" message ... and I can understand why you thought that was referring to Parity, as it's immediately below the "Parity status" note.    That is indeed a bit deceiving => it clearly means you no longer have a parity-protected array because there's a drive failure ... but it does NOT mean the defective drive is the parity drive.  You have to look above that to the line labeled "Faulty" to see which drive is marked as bad.


... or look at the Main tab, where the red-ball clearly indicates the bad drive.


That status info could be improved  :)


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