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All my Dockers have dissapeared?


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Hi guys,


Hoping someone can help - spend the last couple of days sorting out my dockers - emby, Sab, DelugeVPN and Sonarr - they were all working great.


Today my 8tb drive passed preclear that I was going to use for Parity, so stopped the array added the drive as the parity drive and gave the server a reboot for good measure.


The server is backup Parity is synching but now all my dockers have gone :(


Can anyone help - what have I done wrong?  Is it possible to get them back without having to start again?






Attached - thanks in advance for the help :-)



Here's the problem line:


Oct 26 17:36:07 MBFS01 logger: Creating new image file for Docker: /mnt/cache/docker.img size: 20G


Why it chose to do this however I have no clue.  The upshot however is that you should be able to merely re-add the my* templates through add container and everything should be back 100% how it was when it left off


All worked great other than Emby - the default config folder for that was /opt (something cant remember now) which I think got lost I have now changed it to be /mnt/cache/appdata/Emby - like the other dockers so at least if it goes again it should come back.


Thanks all for the help :-)


If you readded them via docker containers, add container then selected the appropriate user template (my* templates) it should have come up with the exact same info as before.


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