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Sickbeard version error


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I am running unRAID v5.06 with PHAZE Sickbeard plugin Version: 2015.11.04.1.  At the top of the Sickbeard page is the following error:

alpha /bin/sh: warning: setlocale: lc_all: cannot change locale (en_us.utf-8) master


Help and Info page shows:

SB Version: alpha (/bin/sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8) master) -- git : False


All appears to be working.  Anybody have an idea why sickbeard can't display the current version?



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For those that find this thread by having the same error,  I found out a "band-aid" solution.  I had gcc installed, which somehow is the culprit of the error.  I normally had gcc install at boot.  I removed the option to load gcc at boot, rebooted and the error went away.


Every once in a while I compile some source code, so I will have to manually install gcc when I want to compile.



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