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Asus Xonar Soundcard not Passing Through


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I made a thread yesterday about having a problem with my Windows VM not installing but with some help from a few friendly people I got that fixed.

I've got everything working right now except my soundcard. I used archedraft's tutorial to get all of my USB3 ports working in my VM until my USB controller arrives: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36768.0


My XML File: http://pastebin.com/fd832yVH

syslinux.cfg: http://pastebin.com/hVe4gwsE

System devices: https://gyazo.com/27fe100fa9dc0b7969c9f27574f315c0


Whenever I add

<qemu:arg value='-device'/>

<qemu:arg value='vfio-pci,host=05:01.0,bus=root.1,addr=00.3'/>


to my XML file I get the following error:



System specs in my signature.

Soundcard: Asus Xonar Essence ST


If anyone had the same problem or knows of any workarounds or solutions pleace reply.

Thank you.

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Your soundcard is in the same group as another device (04:00.0)and that's why you can't pass it through. You have enabled pcie_acs_override so the only option I see is to move the card around to see if you can get it in a group by itself or another device you are passing through to the VM.

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Your soundcard is in the same group as another device (04:00.0)and that's why you can't pass it through. You have enabled pcie_acs_override so the only option I see is to move the card around to see if you can get it in a group by itself or another device you are passing through to the VM.


Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try moving it to a different slot right now.

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Physically moving the soundcard to a different slot helped. After moving it the address changed to 05:00.0. I edited my XML file and added in:

<qemu:arg value='-device'/>

<qemu:arg value='vfio-pci,host=05:01.0,bus=root.1,addr=00.3'/>


This is for the people that are having the exact same issue because I can't find any specific situations on the forum.


So I finally got everything working. Thank you very much, Saarg. I enabled notifications on my thread so if anyone else has the same issue and you can't get it working just reply and I'll try to help you out.

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Physically moving the soundcard to a different slot helped. After moving it the address changed to 05:00.0. I edited my XML file and added in:

<qemu:arg value='-device'/>

<qemu:arg value='vfio-pci,host=05:01.0,bus=root.1,addr=00.3'/>


This is for the people that are having the exact same issue because I can't find any specific situations on the forum.


So I finally got everything working. Thank you very much, Saarg. I enabled notifications on my thread so if anyone else has the same issue and you can't get it working just reply and I'll try to help you out.



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