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PleX CPU utilization seems wrong

Guest dranani

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Guest dranani

First off, here is my build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rhdRZL


I was told that my CPU could handle 2x 1080p PleX steams with moderate ease by multiple people.


When i start a 1080p stream my CPU is pegged to 90%+. is that normal? It also does it when I start a 720p stream sometimes.


Did i miss something when configuring PleX that might help performance that anyone could think of?

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Typically will depend on transcoder quality setting, transcoder default throttle buffer duration (how long high CPU utilization will last before throttling), the original material and what you are transcoding to (resolution/bitrate).  Your cpu has single core passmark of a little above 2K, just under 4K for both.  If you stagger your transcoding starts you should be fine.  Starting two streams same time will probably be fine if the server is not doing anything else, but also depends on source material and targets.  When you start a stream the transcoder will peg your CPU until the xcoder throttle buffer time is reached then it will back off and you will get a usage spike every so often as it maintains the xcoded buffer.


The higher the transcoder quality setting the better quality the transcoded video will be for the given resolution/bitrate chosen and of course the more CPU/cores will be utilized.  Setting a longer throttle buffer will keep the transcoder using the CPU longer to increase the buffer before throttling down.  It has an advantage of preventing lags/video buffering pauses when running on a busy or underpowered server, but also impacts and is impacted by whatever else the server is doing at the time.

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Guest dranani


Typically will depend on transcoder quality setting, transcoder default throttle buffer duration (how long high CPU utilization will last before throttling), the original material and what you are transcoding to (resolution/bitrate).  Your cpu has single core passmark of a little above 2K, just under 4K for both.  If you stagger your transcoding starts you should be fine.  Starting two streams same time will probably be fine if the server is not doing anything else, but also depends on source material and targets.  When you start a stream the transcoder will peg your CPU until the xcoder throttle buffer time is reached then it will back off and you will get a usage spike every so often as it maintains the xcoded buffer.


The higher the transcoder quality setting the better quality the transcoded video will be for the given resolution/bitrate chosen and of course the more CPU/cores will be utilized.  Setting a longer throttle buffer will keep the transcoder using the CPU longer to increase the buffer before throttling down.  It has an advantage of preventing lags/video buffering pauses when running on a busy or underpowered server, but also impacts and is impacted by whatever else the server is doing at the time.

yeah, based on my research I came up with each 1080p stream needed a 2k pass mark score. So I figured I could run about 2 at the moment. And that's what I was told by others as well.


But I completely understand what you are saying. I just didn't expect it to hit 90%+ utilization and was a bit worried lol.


Side note:


I was trying to get my temp readings to work because I was a bit worried that it was going to overheat because it just has the stock cooler on it. But it keeps saying no sensors found. Any ideas?

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yeah, based on my research I came up with each 1080p stream needed a 2k pass mark score. So I figured I could run about 2 at the moment. And that's what I was told by others as well.


But I completely understand what you are saying. I just didn't expect it to hit 90%+ utilization and was a bit worried lol.


Side note:


I was trying to get my temp readings to work because I was a bit worried that it was going to overheat because it just has the stock cooler on it. But it keeps saying no sensors found. Any ideas?


Will need to telnet/SSH to your unRAID server and issue 'sensors-detect' command and post the output with code tags (# on the edit menu).


If it finds sensors it may ask if you want to modify  /etc/modules (or something similar).  Type 'yes' and hit enter.  May need to reboot after.  If you get command not found you will need to install the dynamix sensor plugin.  Forum search will get you to that.


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