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Duplicate drive UUID, cannot mount


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Hi guys, came home to a weird problem today, found one of my disks was in a disabled state, so I powered down the server, replugged the sata and power for the offending drive, and the rest of the drives for good measure, powered back on and its still in a disabled state...


So stopped the array and tried mounting the disk manually via telnet "mkdir /mnt/disks/test" and "mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/disks/test", no go saying wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock etc.


ran "dmesg | tail" like suggested by the mount command and came back with "XFS (sdf1): Filesystem has duplicate UUID dc97ca57-01e8-4848-bc60-0289b45a747c - can't mount"


I then ran "mount -o nouuid /dev/sdf1 /mnt/disks/test" which successfully mounted the disk, confirmed by running mc and copying a file to another mounted disk


Googled a bit and found a command "xfs_admin -U generate /dev/sdf1" but came up with an error saying "xfs_admin: only 'rewrite' supported on V5 fs"


Ran "xfs_repair /dev/sdf1" which completed successfully, but still the disk is unmountable without using nouuid


Is there another way to fix it without having to rebuild the entire drive, considering I am able to read the data when mounted with nouuid?

The hard drive has no smart errors but it dropped out while 4 hours into doing a parity check which is a little concerning.



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