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Rebuild Parity


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I have the latest 6.1.9 and maybe this is easy and obvious and well documented but I'm at a loss and cannot find an answer to so something conservative and clear to me so I'm posting this question.

My server says Parity 0 is Faulty and Parity Device is Disabled, also Parity is Invalid. Also my Array is Unprotected

I want to rebuild parity but there is no option seemingly anywhere to do so. I took the array offline, no option. I rebooted, no option, and Started Array which did not rebuild parity or initiate any restorative action. What is my next step? Thanks

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Assuming the current parity drive is good, try unassigning the parity drive, then starting and stopping the array (that makes it forget the current assignment), then reassign the parity drive and restart the array.


But first you need to make sure the current parity drive is good.  What does its SMART report look like?  What errors did you get when it failed?


As a reminder, please see Need help? Read me first!, and attach the diagnostics zip.

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Thanks for this! i did unassign and reassign the drive, now rebuilding. so simple! But i was really scared to do anything as i simply could not find simple instructions for that in any of the documentation and i looked for quite a while. i also remember seeing a Rebuild Parity button - maybe its gone with the later versions? Sorry i didn't give you much info, it's really unraid 101, but somehow elusive to me. Thanks for the pointers too. It all helps : )

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