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Anyone use any type of synchronization software?


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I like to keep files on several computers that are all the same and was looking for a synchronization software that would do the trick.  I think I found one and it seems to work very well.  Its called allway sync.




I have a main computer and laptop that I have specific files and folders I keep sync'd on the unraid server. So I setup a folder on my unraid server as a master and certain folders from each computer are sync'd to it.



Anyone have any other software they use and like?

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I used to keep lots of copies of pictures and such for backups. Now I don't, so there's no need for syncing.


Now I just do syncs for backups and music on my laptop. I've found, believe it or not, Microsoft's SyncToy to be the fastest and most cross-platform solution. I export my Mac drive via Samba and sync using network paths.

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