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What is the best Smart Phone to use for blogging?

Guest smnas

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Guest smnas

Hi guys. As it is a favourite pass time to blog on the unRAID Forum site, I would like to blog while I'm on my travels too and from work (Obviously while not driving in :) ). I use an iPhone at home but not as a primary Smart Phone as it sucks big time on battery life. I have a Nokia N86, which is so-so, but no QWERTY keyboard, which sucks too, that and it weighs a tonne for a small phone.

I'm a big fan of a newer physical QWERTY keyboard-based phones and I'm keen on the following models: Either a Nokia N900, Nokia N97 Mini, Nokia E72 or a Blackberry 9700.

I like them all and all have a pro's and con's, though the Blackberry might be out of my price league/budget. The Nokia N900 seems to be a awesome piece of smart phone. It is built on Maemo Linux which seems cool and should be reliable to boot, has both a touch screen (though not as good as the iPhone albeit as it doesn't support multitouch and uses a resistive display, not capactive display like the iPhone. What scares me is that the Nokia N900 isn't released here in Australia yet, so no official support for local carriers (though it'll work with my carriers baseband frequencies fine, just no official support), and warranty might be an issue too if their not sold here yet.

The Nokia N97 Mini seems to be good too, though it runs the older style Sybian S60 OS and my past experience with the Nokia N Series S60 phones have been touch and go. The S60 Platform is brilliant when it works, but is crap when it doesn't on the N Series.

The Nokia E72 has solid reviews, looks and feels great, has an awesome keyboard, other decent spec's and every E Series Nokia I had has been OK thus far. My work place uses the BlackBerry 9700. It seems to be a rock-solid smart phone, gives very little issues, has a decent QWERTY keyboard and great battery life, but it is more of a corporate-style device and is pricey on every carrier here in Oz. I always buy my phones outright with no contract and use my own SIM.


Any ideas guys? Cheers!

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If your only reason for not using the iphone is due to battery life, why don't you get one or two of these:




I keep one in my car and one at home always charged up and ready to go if I need it.  Takes 45 min to 1 hour to fully charge if the iphone is near dead and you can use the iphone without it being plugged in via wires while it is charging.  Beats the price of a new phone or the hassle of having to move the sim card back and forth between phones.

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Guest smnas

Yeah I've been reading about add-on battery packs for the iPhone, but I.no kind of over about touchscreen-based smart phones, their ok, but I suffer from Fat Fingers :( and can type better on physical qwerty-based keyboards. The Nokia N900 seems to be a cracker of a phone, but I've too read poor battery life about these phone's too. Any other experiences or feedback guys, Cheers!   

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