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Transfer Speed on Disk to Disk Copy


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I'm converting my FS from Reiser to XFS. I kicked off a disk to disk copy of disk1 to disk3 using

rsync -avPX /mnt/disk1/ /mnt/disk3/

which took 10.5 hours to complete.

Before executing the copy, I unassigned the parity disk to help increase the write speed.


My math:

Disk 1 reports a used size of: 1,994,207,632,134 bytes

Divide 1,994,207,632,134 by 1,000,000 ~ equals 1,994,207 Megabytes

10.5hours * 3600 = 37,800 seconds

1,994,207MB / 37,800sec = [glow=red,2,300]52.76MB/s[/glow]


52MB/s is inline with the average transfer speed on the OSD, but I expected this to complete much faster with parity disabled.  Is my expectation unreasonable?


I know speeds can vary across different hardware so here is mine:

  • Disk1: WDC-WD20EARX 2TB 5400RPM (green)  <-- source
  • Disk3: WDC_WD20EZRZ 2TB 5400RPM (blue)  <--destination
  • Mobo: ASUS Z170M-PLUS
  • CPU: Intel Celeron G3900 2.9GHz
  • unRAID v6.2.4


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