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manual SSD TRIM necessary with unRAID 6.3 and BTRFS?


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Hi all,


I was under the impression that unRAID 6 is taking care of TRIM for SSDs using BTRFS by now.

Am I wrong and manual trimming/ using the Dynamix TRIM plugin for scheduling is still necessary?

I am running unRAID 6.3.3.


Thanks & regards,

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If you're meaning should it just happen without any settings or user intervention, then that would mean using the BTRFS mount option to trim when files are deleted. But, apparently that can cause performance degradation on certain SSD's and it makes undeleting files impossible.


It seems the recommended way is using trim when the drive in inactive. That would means the plug-in is installed or the code included by default and you just set it. Basically, skip the step of installing it.

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