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WebGUI not responding


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I wanted to access the webgui a few hours ago to check the preclearing process which is currently running. The web interface loaded, but then I wanted to switch to the plugins panel and the page loading got stuck. Since then I'm not able to load the webgui anymore, it just keeps loading with a blank screen. Everything else seems to work just fine (ftp access, smb access, ssh access, Plex, couchpotato, sonarr and so on).


Any idea what I should do, because a hard reset isn't my preferred option while my new disk gets precleared.

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  • 7 months later...
On 4/7/2017 at 8:18 AM, TheFullTimer said:

I've been having a similar issue for a few days.  When you click on a tab for docker, plugins, etc. is when the web interface stalls?



bump-restarting my server has not fixed this problem. I can still use putty to access the server and I am able to access all of the docker webui's. what should I do?


I created a new VM, gave it 16gb of memory a 100gb disk and created another 150gb second disk. after adding the second disk my server's webUI stopped responding.

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The solution to the issue I was having was resolved through an update to my antivirus software.  I was using Avast Pro and it featured a port scan feature which would check every port when you opened a connection to a local device.  This would result in Unraid closing connections for some time, or until rebooted.  If you are using Avast we worked out a solution in this topic, https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/56535-webinterface-not-accessible-on-windows-10-machines/.


If you use a different antivirus or firewall it may be a similar issue.  Let us know and maybe we can help.


p.s.  Sorry for the delay, I'm in the busy season at my job.

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