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Drives that work with raid 1


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I've been doing some reading and it appears that some WD drives aren't meant to go into a raid configuration.  Not sure if that applies to unraid as this is a software configuration.  But, I want to put a couple drives into a raid 1 configuration (mirror) and now I'm a little paranoid about just buying some drives assuming that they will work...  Anyone have anything that the could point me to that would let me know if there are some 'safe' drives to buy.  Nothing fancy, I'll be happy with a couple 1TB disks that run a 3 G/s (which seems to be pretty standard at this point in time).




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It looks like the consensus here is that most drives should work just fine.  I just got paranoid after seeing a few reviews on newegg of people complaining about drives not working in raid.


I found this and was going to pick up a couple: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136534  but I thought I would see if anyone here had any thoughts on their applicability.




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