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Managing multiple NICs?


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I've just started dipping my toes in what seems like great software, time to also test the community! :)


So I've established an array with two drives (no parity yet), and I'm currently transferring my data back to a "Media" share from another local computer. The speeds are great, very stable 112MB/s over gbit network. The share resides solely on in the pool (No cache) while I copy my data. I've also installed various apps in Dockers like SABnzbd etc. These are installed on the cache only, and my downloads share is also solely on the cache drive. I should not be limited by drivespeed.


If I download a file with ~50MB/s to the downloads share with SAB, the copying speed to my media-share drops equally 50MB/s. This seems likely given the gbit limitation of a network connection here at home. However, my UnRAID host has 2 gbit NICs, and they are both connected. Is there any way to direct this network traffic to independent NICs?



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