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Mounting NFS Shares in Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6.3)

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For whatever reason, I can't get this to work. This is in OS X 10.6.3 with Unraid-4.5. I constantly get the error "The Folder "music-server" can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents".


I open Disk Utility. File -> NFS Mounts...

1) Remote NFS URL: nfs://

2) Mount location: /Users/nelsoncrs/music-server (this inside my home dir)

3) Advanced Mount paramaters: -p

4. Click "Verify. It says it's fine.

5. Click "Save"..it asks me for my administrator password. Fine.

6. The "music-server" shortcut shows up in my home dir. I try to open it and get the error above.


On the unraid server, I have Exports (NFS): set to "*(rw,insecure)" for the music share.


I don't get it. I've tried to create a folder in my home dir called "music-server" and chmod it 777, but this doesn't seem to work. I've tried chmoding everything in /mnt/user on the Unraid to 777 still doesn't work.





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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I eventually got this to work...I had to remove the "-p" flag otherwise the shares wouldn't mount. I've ended up mounting the shares in /Volumes. So, for example, nfs:// is mounted in /Volumes/music.


This works great, however, these shares don't show up under "Devices" in Finder. When I try to drag them there, it gives me an error on permissions.


Does anyone know how to get NFS shares to show up under "Devices" in Snow Leopard? I've tried mounting in different locations, changing permissions, etc. I don't get it! Help!

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I am using NFS shares with 10.6.3 without problems. All shares, however, are mounted at /Network/ and accordingly shown under the Network shares not under the "devices". You can drag them to the "Locations" as well. I needed to use the -P flag when mounting using the NFS mounts.


PS: You can check what you have under the network directory by "command + shift + G and typing /Network". You should see your mounts there. 

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Does anyone know how to get NFS shares to show up under "Devices" in Snow Leopard? I've tried mounting in different locations, changing permissions, etc. I don't get it! Help!


I looked at this issue a wee while back, and decided my time was better spent by just relying on Mac automounting of NFS. See my message here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=4918.msg62315#msg62315.


You may be able to do the soft-link under /Volumes, which *should* make your unRAID box appear as just another drive to Mac OS users ... but I've never actually tried this myself.


(NB! Mac OS caches NFS info, and server changes are typically not picked up automatically. The one or two times I've needed to mess around with this, I've just rebooted the Mac to flush its NFS cache but I'm sure there's an online way of doing it, too.)



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I have a folder named 'NFS' under /Volumes where I mount all of my NFS shares.  I then drag this folder to the sidebar.  It isn't the pretty way of doing it, but works fine for me.  All of my shares are mounted with the "-P nosuid" arguments.


The other option was mentioned above.  Mount them at /Network and they will show under the network icon within the Finder.

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