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Ability to store VMs on remote location / ability to snapshot VM storage


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I currently have an esxi configuration where the virtual machines that run on it are all stored on an NFS share. The NFS server runs a script where all the VMs are shutdown and the file system is snapshotted in a clean state. Then I start things back up and run a backup of the VMs from the snapshot. I like this configuration a lot because the VMs can keep chugging along while a backup runs. There's a lot of other things I don't like about ESXI and I'm using unraid for general file storage already so it would be nice if I could move to an unraid only solution in the future.


There doesn't seem to be a snapshot of the file system option in unraid so I feel it would be a good bit harder to do. Either the same snapshot system on the cache drives or the ability to mount an external/remote NFS share and store the VM files on that share would get the job done for me.


Is anything like this already possible?

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